Friday, January 09, 2009
Leave "THEN" Rise

I caught this some time ago but didn't have the opportunity to blog this down

I feel that sometimes, we talk about ppl rising up,
we expect them to live up to a certain expectation or level
then the current will leave

I think that it should be the other way around
we bring the would-be successor to a place
where he/she is near to the level of expectation hasn't hit it

THAT's the precise moment where he/she is ready to rise up.
Because only when the current leaves, the successor will rise to the occassion

Isn't it true??

Imagine a chair
Will you not get up first then offer the chair?

How is it possible to ask your successor to sit in the chair
which you are currently sitting on?
There's no space.

You have to leave it,
then can there be space for your successor to sit in it.

Other wise he/she would be sitting on you in stead of the chair =s

Haha, hope i make sense.
Correct me if u think otherwise =)


Maximillian Low s.w. on 8:26:00 AM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Great Performance!

Oh man!!
Today was amazing...
the the chairman (Mr Lee Hsien yang) and
the board of directors were really warm.
We had resounding applause!

The smile from their faces really made the 3 days of late nights worth
every minute and sweat.

I gotta hand it to the dancers especially.
Think they had even longer practice
So Big Up to them!!
*clap clap!

And overall the performance was fantastic.
Not just for my act or my friend's
but on the whole everything looked smooth
Transitions were just right.
Sound and lights were fantastic.

BIG UP for the light, sound, stage and crew!!

Today was a close performance for the directors of the school

I was told today that there's gonna be another run of this concert
but this time it's gonna be for the students.

So it means, i'm gonna be performing for the students
coming for open house.
How freaky is that.

Really thank God for giving opportunities upon opportunities

One concert after another... God is a God of abundance!

I'm getting a little bored of singing the same song over and over again though.

The arts director who was in-charge of this concert
said that he will be looking for opportunities to perform outside Singapore


Anyways, hopefully it will come to pass
Till then, i'll be contented to sing my songs and play my guitar
for anyone who is willing to listen =)


Maximillian Low s.w. on 7:44:00 AM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Reached home yesterday at 11.15
Haha, at least they released us earlier than the day before...

Haha, woot~!
Today's the performance.
Then it's freedom!!

Hope it goes well later =)


Maximillian Low s.w. on 6:47:00 PM

Rehearsal time

In the middle of rehearsal now. 2nd...
Here i am sitting in the dressing room with the guys.

Yesterday's rehearsal ended at 11pm
reached home at 12.30am cuz i overslept on the bus=_=

Overall the rehearsal yesterday was good
Cracked my voice a bit xp
Hope today won't end too late...

Tml's the performance...
Hope i don't get sick or something.


Maximillian Low s.w. on 2:37:00 AM

Thursday, January 01, 2009
School starting soon!

Been a nice holiday this past 3 weeks
Done a lot of meaningful stuff
Stupid things
Met great people
and some not so great people

Spent time with people i care about
Found new people in my life
"EMO'd" a few times

Had a couple of frustrating moments thinking of you...
(hate it when i'm emo, annnoying)

Overall it was good...

New Year Resolutions!
  1. Get in shape
    I'm gonna go jogging at least 3 times per week
  2. Do up an E.P. with TreeStory
    Start writing songs and playing it in jams
  3. Wise up a bit
    Stop dreaming, start doing...Stop talking, start walking
So far it's just like this... will update soon=)

Woo, got a performance once school starts...
Gonna be performing for the principle and chairman of RP
some ministers as well.
Hope it goes well.

Haix, won't be able to go home early
because the bump in practices
go well into the night.

Thank God for His strength...
Another year to shine for my PAPA
To make him proud...

People around me gotta watch out.
I'm gonna shine even more this coming year =)
Wear your sun-glasses


Maximillian Low s.w. on 9:51:00 PM