Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ok, this is going to be a very long post.
Basically to update you guys on what i've been up to lately.
This is not for the faint hearted.
You have been warned
Seriously buddy, this isn't a joke
You must really wanna know what i've been doing/ Like me/A Fan(my fav)
/Or you're just plain bored. LOL
Ok here goes... let's see
I've been really active in my school's (Interest Group)IG aka CCA.
Been attending workshops and practice sessions.
I'm the Productions Manager for my IG this year
so i'm pretty much in charge of the events and how things are ran for this year.

Sooo it's gonna be really really busy for me
cause we have a couple of big events coming up.
So i gotta pray for more capacity.

I'm also having a wedding concert this May.
Things are well on the way.
We are still in the midst of practicing but almost done.
Going down to the restaurant to check out the stage, lighting and stuff.

It's kind of weird cause my band thought
we were gonna be background music.
Turns out we have a 30mins slot performance
so ppl will be looking at us and not eating...
nvr attended or seen a wedding dinner like that before...
...interesting... =)

Of course, i will be payed for it haha.
This isn't apart of my IG even though we are made up of my IG people.
The wedding couple works in RP's Arts Productions Company
so have invited us to play for them.
(Yes we have our own Arts Productions Company in RP)

I'm currently in 4 bands.
Yes that's right... i really believe that in order to be a good musician
and entertainer/performer.
I need to put myself out there and be ready to
expose myself to different music and musicians.
My own band of course(very proud!) TreeStory!!
It's my priority.
Fantastic group of people, we're not looking at playing perfect music
but just worship God with what we have.
I'm a vocalist there btw... ^^

I also have Laurel's band(Certainly Not!) and Iqmal's band(no name yet).
These 3 bands play fairly different music.
The most "off" one would have to be Iqmal's band because we would be doing
Symphonic Power Metal.
As you can tell by the name, it's not very main stream and that's the idea.
Can't say much cause we haven't really started.
I'm a vocalist there and quite excited
to expand my vocals beyond pop music.

I'm also a drummer for Laurel's band(Certainly Not!)
Yes i've been wanting to drum ever since i started playing guitar!!
This is a pretty good group because we are quite musically tuned
and so sound wise we would be quite tight.
Also haven't started jamming.
But it should be good.
My eyes are on Gerald my friend and our guitarist.

And as for the last band, in my IG.
I constantly put into different groups to perform so as to enlarge my capacity
and flexiblity as a musician as well as a performer.
So the whole IG is counted as my band haha.

And also for those who don't know(anyone who isn't in my cg).
I recently went down to a production studio
for an interview/audition with a local movie producer.
My friend had introduced me to this film producer
whom was in the midst of preparing the soundtrack of a movie coming up
soon and i was auditioned for singing their soundtrack.

This is the same producer for the Hollywood film "Slum Dog Millionaire"
Their current project will also be hit in Hollywood.
So i was really excited to be able to audition for it.
Results aren't out yet so i'll be waiting for good news i hope.
Pray for me.
Will reveal more as time pass. =)

Okay, i'm currently on my last 30 days beore school starts.
SO quickly people whom has yet to ask me out ask NOW!!!
And have been jogging and swimming a lot.
I quite tanned up right now.
And just cut my hair today.
Pretty off from what i usually cut.
You guys will see when u guys see me. LOL
Please don't get a shock out of it.
And dun shout "Oh my ...!!!"

Anyways, that's all i can think of.
Obviously there is more but will update again when i remember. =)


Maximillian Low s.w. on 8:51:00 AM