Saturday, March 01, 2008
In regards to my post before on EMO ppl.

Hey Guys!
I just wanted to make things clear that my post on EMO behavior previously was meant to tackle the behavior and not the person directly. I have lots of un-churched friends who are EMO all the time, it doesn't mean that i hate them. I still love because they are my friends. However, i will not apologize for ranting on the behavior/practice of "EMO-ism". I do believe that life has hope as long as you want there to be. Having myself once being outrageously EMO long ago, i know how it feels to pretend like everything else doesn't any more. If you reading this consider or think that you are EMO person yourself. Find a friend you enjoy being with and talk to them and ask for advice, or if you think you have no friends to talk to then leave me your email address in my tagbox I'll be your first official friend. Doesn't matter if you don't know me or if you're not local. God created me and you just the same as Him. God loves you and so do I.

Remember, staying EMO never helps. You are only as miserable as you want yourself to be.


Maximillian Low s.w. on 11:14:00 AM